I'm done with Landon Donovan.
I'm done with his sabbatical.
I'm done with his Major League Soccer "return."
I'm done with his lack of passion.
I'm done with his lack of heart.
I'm done with his pouting.
I'm done with his unrealized potential.
I'm done with his body language.
I'm done with his lack of genuine displays of emotion.
I'm done with his monotone way of talking.
I'm done with the speculation.
I'm done with the Livia Soprano of U.S. Soccer.
I'm done with the what could have beens.
I'm done with the apologists.
I'm done with the accolades.
I'm done with the leniency.
I'm done with him not fighting harder.
I'm done with his penalty kick routines.
I'm done with him on the United States National Team.
I'm done with Landon Donovan.
I reserve the right to change my mind and opinion based on the future performances of Landon Donovan.
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